About Rabbi Gimple

About the Author & Editor

Rabbi Yitzchak Gimple, of Montreal, Canada, studied under the tutelage of the gaon Rabbi Arye Leib Baron zt”l (a graduate of the Mir Yeshiva in Europe), for over 30 years in the Yeshiva Merkaz Hatalmud also in Montreal. During this time, studying both in groups as well as one-on-one with Rabbi Baron, Rabbi Yitzchak completed a number of Talmudic tractates and many sections of Shulchan Aruch, leading to his receiving rabbinical ordination from the yeshiva. In addition to his ordination, Rabbi Gimple graduated from McGill University, with distinction, in engineering. He worked in the field of telecommunications as a designer and later as a manager.

Now in retirement, in addition to teaching Torah, Rabbi Gimple has embarked on a major project to disseminate Torah thoughts based upon Scripture, Talmud, and Midrash. Many of the articles are based upon these interactive classes that explore Torah thoughts through different perspectives; however, all based upon Orthodox interpretation.

Rabbi Gimple can be reached via email here.

About This Site

ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם
Torah study is comparable to all other mitzvoth. (Peah 1:1)

The mitzvah of Torah study is comparable to all other mitzvoth because this study leads to increased observance of the other mitzvoth (action and intention) and strengthens one’s connection to Hashem (Kiddushin 40b and commentaries). In effect, the study is both informational (how to perform a mitzvah) and transformational (how to better perform the mitzvah).

The site was launched in Shevat 5781 (February 2021) with several articles. However, this launch is only the beginning, and therefore many sections are not fully covered. The intention is to add many more over the coming months and years, including contributions from other authors.

On Zionism: Like many others, the author is intrigued by Zionism and the redemption process (eschatological studies), and has written several articles on this subject based upon numerous sources in Torah thought. Since this matter is controversial, the author would like to have these articles peer reviewed before placing on the web site. Interested parties may contact the editor for this review process.

Regarding different opinions: As the Talmud (Berachot 58a) states, “Just as their faces are different, so are their minds (opinions) different.” It is inevitable in any Torah discussion to have differing views, often with justified passion. These articles are intended to stimulate discussion, but not in any way to offend, attack, or denigrate any movements in Judaism. Certainly the author has no intention to discuss the relative merits of other faiths. Any mention of other faiths will only be in the context of Jewish law as referenced in the various codes. As the Talmud also states (ibid. 64a), “Torah scholars increase peace in the world” (between man and man as well as between man and Hashem). Following this directive, the author and editor aims to increase peace by providing background information and analysis to frame Torah discussions. In the vernacular, “we can agree to disagree” — but agreeably.

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