Rabbi Y. Gimple

Capital Punishment – Appendices

Introduction This article will provide background information on some prohibitions punishable by stoning. This article serves as a continuation of the article on this web site, “Capital Punishment – Details – Stoning. For convenience of the reader this article is presented separately due to the size of the companion article. This article discusses the following …

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Capital Punishment – Details – Others

Introduction This article will examine transgressions that lead to capital punishment from the following perspectives: Scriptural analysis. Details of transgression.   Due to the scope of this topic, this article will address transgressions which are punishable by burning, beheading, and strangulation. A companion article on this web site, “Capital Punishment – Details – Stoning” addresses transgressions …

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Capital Punishment – Details – Stoning

  Introduction This article will examine the different transgressions that lead to capital punishment of stoning from the following perspectives: Scriptural analysis. Details of transgression. Scriptural Analysis The Talmud (e.g. Sanhedrin 49a) states that for any transgression which leads to capital punishment, the Torah must provide a verse for the mention of the transgression and …

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Introduction Text The Torah includes the following major admonitions where the Israelites are warned about dire consequences if they do not observe the commandments: Leviticus 26:14-43. Deuteronomy 28:15-68.  The Torah prefaces these warnings with great blessing of peace, prosperity, and divine communion: Leviticus 26:3-13. Deuteronomy 28:1-14. In addition to these major admonitions Moses warns the …

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Dreams – Aggadah

Introduction The fascinating topic of dreams is discussed in scripture, Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, and Shulchan Aruch with associated commentaries which prompt the obvious questions, “Are dreams prophetic or simply figments of one’s imagination?” Compounding this mystery is the wide range of statements from scripture and the Talmud about dreams as follows: Dreams speak falsehoods (Zachariah …

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Amalek – History

Introduction This article discusses the biblical history of the nation of Amalek from its inception until the Persian Empire of the second temple and resulting moral lessons through the following events: Inception (Genesis 36:12). First Battle against Israelites (Exodus 17:8-16) Battle by sinners of Israel (Numbers 14:39-45). Battle by King Saul (1 Samuel 15:1-34) King …

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Hamas Attack

Introduction The Hamas attack on Israel of October 7, 2023 (or Hebrew date of 22 Tishri 5784) resulted in the largest killing of Jews in one day since the holocaust. Over 1,200 people — mostly civilians — were brutally murdered, men, women, children and elderly alike. Women were systematically raped and tortured in the most …

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