
Four Sons

Four Sons Introduction The haggadah mentions four sons, sourced from the Jerusalem Talmud Pesachim 10:4 and Mechilta on Exodus 13:14, which in turn are derived from the following verses: Son                                                      Verses Wise חכם                                            Deut. 6:20-24 Wicked רשע                                        Exodus 12:26-27 Simple תם                                           Exodus 13:14-15 Does not know what to ask             Exodus 13:8 …

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Sotah 3b: Emancipation of Canaanite Slaves

Introduction The Talmud records a dispute between Rabbi Yishmael who permits emancipating a Canaanite slave and Rabbi Akiva who forbids emancipation, unless involving a mitzvah. The dispute revolves around the interpretation of the phrase in Leviticus 25:46 תעבדו בהם לעלם, you shall work them (the Canaanite slave) forever. The Talmud invokes a number of verses …

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