Rabbi Y. Gimple


Introduction The mishnah in Pirkei Avot 5:20 differentiates between an argument for the sake of heaven (לשם שמים), seek the truth and not for this sake (i.e. ulterior motives). Numerous commentators have discussed factors for determining the validity of an argument. This article will focus on the following factors: Torah sources Character of disputants Intrinsic …

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Four Sons

Four Sons Introduction The haggadah mentions four sons, sourced from the Jerusalem Talmud Pesachim 10:4 and Mechilta on Exodus 13:14, which in turn are derived from the following verses: Son                                                      Verses Wise חכם                                            Deut. 6:20-24 Wicked רשע                                        Exodus 12:26-27 Simple תם                                           Exodus 13:14-15 Does not know what to ask             Exodus 13:8 …

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Sotah 3b: Emancipation of Canaanite Slaves

Introduction The Talmud records a dispute between Rabbi Yishmael who permits emancipating a Canaanite slave and Rabbi Akiva who forbids emancipation, unless involving a mitzvah. The dispute revolves around the interpretation of the phrase in Leviticus 25:46 תעבדו בהם לעלם, you shall work them (the Canaanite slave) forever. The Talmud invokes a number of verses …

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